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Dec 19, 20234 min read
A New Horizon: UAE's XIII FIP World Polo Championship
As the Sun sets on the horizon of Dubai's polo fields, the United Arab Emirates is set to make history. The Federation of International...

Oct 30, 20213 min read
“New blood is the driven power for China polo’s future”
Fatin Li is one of China's new players and, during this interview with CLICKPOLO ASIA, she talked about her beginnings in polo and...

Oct 5, 20212 min read
James Beh, 30 years developing polo in Malaysia
James Beh’s story with polo is quite particular. His family wasn’t involved in the sport and polo entered his life just by chance. “I...

Oct 5, 20213 min read
Joevy Beh returns to Palermo
Fifteen years later, Joevy Beh returned to Palermo. When he was a kid, Joevy won the Potrillos Cup and later played the Masters Cup too....

Aug 31, 20214 min read
S.E. Dr. Muhamamd Khalid Ejaz
"Polo has been growing amazingly fast in Pakistan. I think engagement with AAP and Pakistan Polo Association will help players improve...

Aug 31, 20213 min read
A trip to the heart of Indonesian polo
Action in the country continues despite COVID; in this issue of CLICKPOLO ASIA we look at what's happening at Nusantara Polo Club; the...

Jul 31, 20215 min read
The Maharaja of polo
CLICKPOLO ASIA talks about Maharaja Kumar Padmanabh Singh's story, an ambassador for our sport around the globe; “My family has been...

May 30, 20212 min read
“Polo is growing in Thailand and all of Southeast Asia”.
Saying King Power is saying polo, and saying that they are just a family who plays polo would be selling them way too short. Photo: The...

May 4, 20213 min read
“This is the beginning of a wonderful party’
In memory of my friend and mentor, Marcos Uranga By Asad Jumabhoy Marcos Uranga was larger than life. His legacy to international polo is...

Feb 27, 20214 min read
“The level of polo I have already played far exceeds any dreams I had when I started out”
This story happened in the English summer of 2016. Prince Philip and Royal Salute’s Peter Moore presented the Coronation Cup to the...

Feb 27, 20213 min read
“My dream is to have a career in Argentina and a string of horses over there”
There is nothing better than starting this article with a tale. A story of a loss that helped to strengthen the soul of a man who, years...

Feb 12, 20213 min read
Cloning boosts polo horse breeding in Australia
Breeding polo ponies in Australia took a giant step when Vicuña was born last September. This young filly became the first horse in...

Feb 1, 20212 min read
“The Chinese government has begun to show great interest in the development of polo and has proposed
China is a country where very little polo is played, considering its size and population. That is the challenge for its polo community:...

Jan 6, 20214 min read
Bringing women’s polo to India: the story of Rina Shah!
In a continent as vast as Asia, interesting stories can be found in every country. In the previous issue of CLICKPOLO Asia, we...

Jan 4, 20213 min read
“I used to watch people play every day and decided to try. I’ve been addicted ever since”
For many people, polo is an addiction. Once you ride, stick and ball, and eventually play games, the adrenaline and fun you get is...

Dec 5, 20203 min read
"In Nusantara we are determined to promote polo in Indonesia: we want to popularize it"
POLO IN INDONESIA Polo players are often nomads by nature, travelling from country to country to play polo. However, Nicolas Curto's...

Nov 27, 20204 min read
"Dubai is full of new players and patrons"
Polo is growing all around the world. However, Dubai is certainly one of the destinations where the sport is clearly on the rise. One of...

Oct 26, 20203 min read
"Polo in Pakistan is growing a lot"
Polo players from all around the world in Asia Asia hosts many polo players from different parts of the world every year. Sometimes it's...

Oct 1, 20202 min read
The Kentucky Cup is growing
Hutton Goodman A passion that ignited at the age of 15 “I started playing polo when I was 15-years old, after my uncle invited me down to...

Oct 1, 20202 min read
Four Nations will do battle in the Butler International Cup
The Oak Brook Polo Club, in Illinois, is closing its 98th season with the prestigious Butler International Cup. The tournament kicked off...
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