The year starts for Adolfo Cambiaso with his first match of 2019 next Sunday for the Sterling Cup. A tournament that starts this Thursday at Valiente. Last year, he won the tournament and this season will again be playing it with his son Poroto. Then, he will be playing in the All-Star Challenge next week; the first tournament of the 26-Goal World Polo League. These are two very special tournaments for Adofito. The 26-WPL is a gamble that the Jornayvaz and Ganzi families are taking together, and Cambiaso feels an important part of it.
"It is a good start for my year. I like coming to play in the US," he told CLICKPOLOUSA. "It is a nice place, a great destination for everyone. I am happy to start a new season in the US," he added.
Cambiaso is an important part of the 26-WPL, both as a player and as a promoter of the project. "I think it is a challenge for Bob Jornayvaz and the Ganzis to make the League grow. I am very happy to support them and do everything I can to make it work. I am confident the League will do great, those are our expectations and what we want."
About American polo in general, he mentioned: "It is really doing well. There are many teams in all the tournaments. Only very few people did not find work. That is good, it speaks very well of polo. I am very happy in that regard. What I do not like so much is that the 22-goal tournaments keep adding new rules. That is not good."
Adolfo Cambiaso, talking only a few days before starting a new season in the US.

Family matter
The Sterling Cup (20 goals) has become a special tournament for Adolfo Cambiaso. Last year, he won it while playing with his children Poroto and Mia. "It was an unforgettable win for the family. Playing with them is a dream come true," he said about playing with his children (the fourth player was Magoo Laprida).
This year, Adolfito will play in Valiente, with Poroto, Robert Zedda, and Bautista Panelo. What about Mia? She will still play, but with Audi, along with Marc Ganzi, Juan Martin Zubia, and Nic Roldan.
Valiente and Audi are both in Group II of the tournament, along with Sebucan (Pablo Pulido, Juan Bollini, Kris Kampsen, and Tommy Biddle). The first match will be Thursday, January 31, pitching Sebucan against Audi. The loser will play against Valiente on Sunday, and the winner will play against them on Wednesday, February 6, to earn a ticket to the final. That is to say, the father and son will play against their daughter/sister. It will be on Sunday if Mia's team loses or on Wednesday if Audi wins their first match. It will be the first time the family faces this duel in an official, high-level tournament.
Other players partaking in the tournament are Juan Martin Nero (leader of Casablanca) and Diego Cavanagh (leader of Colorado). However, the spotlight will be on the Cambiasos. It will be a family matter.